Previous Sermons  

Thank you for having a desire for God’s word. We want to equip you with as much understanding of God as possible at Willow Springs. 

Works of a Disciple: Baptism 9.1.2024

The significance of baptism, including its meaning and who can perform it, is explained in today’s service.

Go Make Disciples 8.25.2024

As followers of Christ, we are called to share the message of hope, love, and salvation found in the Gospel with all those we encounter. This important task requires us to embody Christ’s teachings in our words and actions so that others may come to know the transformative power of His message. We are tasked with humbly spreading the Good News and demonstrating its profound impact on our lives and the lives of others.

Discipleship: Works of the Disciple 8.18.2024

Embracing the Great Commission is essential for disciples to actively practice in their daily lives.

Discipleship Part Two 8.11.2024

As disciples of Jesus, it is crucial for us to embody Christlike humility, selflessness, and an attitude that mirrors that of Christ.

Discipleship 8.4.2024

Counting the Cost of Discipleship

Unwavering Faith 7.28.2024

This is an appeal to all Christians to embrace and uphold unyielding faith, facing challenges and trials with the utmost trust and belief in God’s promises and plan for their lives.

The Mind of Christ 7.21.2024

Christians are called to embody the mindset of Christ in the face of psychological warfare.

Trusting God in the Face of Adversity 7.14.2024

Today, we will discover the empowering ways in which we can overcome adversity with the guidance of God.

Good Infection 7.7.2024

Good infection, as C.S. Lewis described, is the powerful and transformative process through which the nature and character of Jesus should profoundly infuse and influence every Christian, shaping them to reflect His profound qualities and virtues. This concept entails a profound and pervasive impact that surpasses imitation, fostering a deep alignment of one’s being with the essence of Jesus Himself.

Staying Connected to the Lord 6.23.2024

The key to maintaining a strong connection with the Lord lies in our daily commitment to seeking His presence. This includes setting aside time each day to pray, meditate on His word, and engage in acts of worship. Seeking the Lord in our daily lives allows us to deepen our relationship with Him and remain attuned to His guidance and love.

Father’s Day 6.16.2024

God’s love for His children serves as a powerful example for all fathers to follow in their own lives.

God Cares for Us 6.2.2024

God knows our struggles and wants us to place our worries and concerns in His hands.

God desires to dwell with His people.  5.19.2024

Exodus 26-27 provides a detailed account of the various furnishings and structures within the Tabernacle, emphasizing their significance in symbolizing and foreshadowing the coming of Christ.

God desires to dwell with His people.  5.12.2024

In Exodus 25:10-40, God made Himself central to His people by constructing the Ark of the Covenant in the Holiest of Holies within the Tabernacle.

God desires to dwell with His people.  5.5.2024

In Exodus 25:1-9, God reveals to Moses that the design of the Tabernacle is meant to represent a heavenly Tabernacle and foreshadow Christ. The central message of this series is that God longs to live among His people.

The Conclusion to the Book of the Covenant  4.28.2024

God reveals Himself through the moral and social values placed on the people of Israel, regardless of their social status.

The Book of the Covenant: Part  Four  4.14.2024

God reveals Himself through the moral and social values placed on the people of Israel, regardless of their social status.

The Book of the Covenant: Part  Three  4.7.2024

God reveals Himself through the moral and social values placed on the people of Israel, regardless of their social status.

The Resurrection 


He has risen! 

The Book of the Covenant: Part Two  3.24.2024

God reveals Himself through the moral and social values placed on the people of Israel, regardless of their social status.

The Book of the Covenant  3.17.2024

God reveals Himself through the moral and social values placed on the people of Israel, regardless of their social status.

The Ten Commandments Today: Part Two 3.10.2024

In today’s world, it’s important to live by the principles of the Ten Commandments as they guide life. We should ask ourselves how we can apply these principles in our daily lives and consciously integrate these values. By doing so, we can create a better world for ourselves and for future generations.

The Ten Commandments Today| 3.3.2024

In today’s world, it’s important to live by the principles of the Ten Commandments as they guide life. We should ask ourselves how we can apply these principles in our daily lives and consciously integrate these values. By doing so, we can create a better world for ourselves and for future generations.

Christians and the Commandments| 2.25.2024

People expect to be paid for their work; they get angry and protest when they are not paid. They have worked hard for their pay and believe they deserve it. Gifts, however, are not seen in the same way as wages. We don’t get mad at people who don’t give us gifts out of the blue, but we are usually happy when we receive an unexpected gift. Gifts can change our mood, attitude, and even our view on life.

According to the Bible, God gives us a gift we do not deserve if we believe in Christ. This gift is called grace, and we should react to it in the same way we respond to any other gift, only on a much larger scale. When we truly understand and value God’s grace, it can change us from the inside out. Christians live and work not to be saved but because we are saved.

Christ and the Commandments| 2.18.2024

Christ Jesus is the complete embodiment of the Law, having fulfilled it by becoming cursed by it, putting an end to its rule, and bringing all people together with God through it. In brief, the Law made evident God’s holiness, His people’s need for Him, the nature of our sins, and the requirement of a Savior. Jesus fulfilled all our needs by Himself. He took on the sins of humanity and became the word made flesh, satisfying all of God’s requirements. Afterwards, He offered His righteousness to everyone who has faith in Him. Ultimately, Jesus has reconciled us to God and with both Jews and Gentiles via His body, the Church. In conclusion, none of this would be possible without Jesus Christ, He is truly worthy of our praise.

The Limits of the Commandments| 2.11.2024

The Ten Commandments stress how significant the covenant terms God gave to Moses were. They explain how God wants His people to live in His presence and with each other, giving people instructions on how to follow Him. Last week, we discussed how the Ten Commandments have a purpose, which was to reveal God’s glory, reveal man’s sinfulness, separate God’s chosen people from everyone else, provide a standard for godly living, prepare the way for Christ, and last, reveal to the world the person and work of Jesus Christ.

The Purpose of the Commandments| 2.4.2024

The Ten Commandments were given to Moses as significant covenant terms. They guide people on how to live in God’s presence and with each other. The law aimed to protect Israel’s freedom, not make them slaves again.

God calls His people to consecrate themselves as He reveals His holiness| 1.28.2024

In the book of Exodus, the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai after fleeing from Egypt. This place is where the Lord revealed his covenant through Moses and where the rest of the events of Exodus took place. Chapter 19 Exodus mainly focuses on the Lord’s instructions to Moses regarding preparing the Israelites for His presence at Mount Sinai. The chapter is divided into two sections: the command to consecrate the people and the holiness of God.

How To Extinguish Burnout| 1.21.2024

This chapter illustrates how God utilizes individuals to support those in leadership roles and how true leadership entails developing leaders.

Bread From Heaven| 1.7.2024

Today, we will see Israel in the most perfect conditions, given bread and meat daily. However, they immediately fail when God requires them to listen and be obedient.